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Fancy Color Diamond

The color and intensity of a diamond refers to the presence and strength of any hue or tint that is present in the diamond. Diamonds are graded on a scale of D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown), with D being the highest and most sought-after grade.

A diamond’s color grade is based on a comparison to a master set of diamonds that have been meticulously studied and documented. Graders use a series of controlled lighting conditions and specific viewing angles to determine a diamond’s color grade.

Diamonds that are near colorless (grades D, E, and F) are the most valuable, as their lack of hue or tint allows the maximum amount of light to pass through the diamond and create maximum brilliance and fire.

Intensity refers to the strength or saturation of the hue or tint present in a diamond. Intensity is typically described as faint, very light, light, fancy light, fancy, fancy intense, fancy vivid, and fancy deep. The higher the intensity, the more noticeable and intense the hue or tint is in the diamond.

It’s worth noting that the color and intensity of a diamond can greatly impact its overall appearance and value, and that personal preference plays a big role in choosing a diamond with the right color and intensity. When selecting a diamond, it’s important to consider not only its color and intensity, but also its cut, clarity, carat weight, and overall appearance and value.

Fancy Yellow

Fancy Yellow diamonds are diamonds with a yellow hue, which can range in intensity from light to deep yellow. The presence of nitrogen during the formation process is what gives these diamonds their yellow color.

Fancy Blue

Fancy Blue diamonds are diamonds with a blue hue, which can range in intensity from light to deep blue. The presence of the element boron during the formation process is what gives these diamonds their blue color.

Fancy Pink

Fancy Pink diamonds are diamonds with a pink hue, which can range in intensity from light to deep pink. The presence of plastic deformation during the formation process is what gives these diamonds their pink color.

Fancy Green

Fancy Green diamonds are diamonds with a green hue, which can range in intensity from light to deep green. The presence of natural radiation during the formation process is what gives these diamonds their green color.

Fancy Brown

Fancy Brown diamonds are diamonds with a brown hue, which can range in intensity from light to deep brown. The color of these diamonds is influenced by the presence of elements and structural irregularities during their formation, creating their unique earthy tones.

Fancy Orange

Fancy Orange diamonds are diamonds with an orange hue, which can range in intensity from light to vivid orange. The combination of nitrogen and other elements during the formation process is what imparts these diamonds with their vibrant orange color.

Fancy Black

Fancy Black diamonds are diamonds with a black hue, which can range in intensity from smoky to deep black. The presence of numerous inclusions or graphite during the formation process gives these diamonds their characteristic dark and mysterious appearance.

Fancy Purple

Fancy Purple diamonds are diamonds with a purple hue, which can range in intensity from light to rich purple. The combination of crystal lattice distortions and trace elements during their formation is responsible for the distinctive purple color of these rare and captivating diamonds.

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