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A Guide to Understanding Milky in Diamonds: Choosing the Right Parameter

The term “Milky” in diamonds refers to a cloudiness or haziness that affects the overall transparency and brilliance of the stone. This effect is caused by microscopic inclusions that scatter light, diminishing the diamond’s sparkle. Recognizing the degrees of milkiness, represented by the Gemayel selection service as M0, NV, M1, M2, and NO MILKY, is essential for selecting a diamond that aligns with your clarity and aesthetic expectations.

Milky Parameters Explained
Selecting Diamonds with Milky Considerations

Decision-Making Based on Milky Grades

Impact on Aesthetic and Practicality

Tips for Choosing Diamonds Regarding Milky Grades


How does milkiness affect a diamond’s price?

Diamonds exhibiting noticeable milkiness (M2 or NO MILKY) are typically priced lower due to their impact on clarity and brilliance. Conversely, M0 and NV diamonds command higher prices for their clear appearance.

Are certain diamond shapes more prone to displaying milkiness?

Milkiness can affect any diamond shape; however, its visibility might be more pronounced in larger diamonds or those with fewer facets, where clarity is more critical to the stone’s appearance.

Should I avoid all diamonds with any degree of milkiness?

Not necessarily. The choice should depend on personal preferences, the intended use of the diamond, and how perceptible the milkiness is. Some buyers may find the slight milkiness of an M1 diamond acceptable, especially if it offers good value and meets other desired criteria.


Understanding the impact of milkiness on a diamond’s clarity and brilliance is crucial when selecting a stone. By carefully considering the milky grades in conjunction with your preferences and the diamond’s other qualities, you can choose a gem that captivates with its beauty and aligns with your expectations, ensuring a cherished and valued addition to your jewelry collection. Start your selection journey through over 500,000 stones here !

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